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10 Take-Action Ways to Help the Planet

Saving the planet isn’t a one-person job. But there are ways each of us can protect and preserve Earth, from planting native gardens to supporting climate action organizations—and more.

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Record-breaking temperatures. Rapid biodiversity loss. Extreme weather events.

These are just a few signs of the environmental crisis facing our planet today. And as you doomscroll through the latest climate apocalypse news, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and want to just give up.

But wait. Don’t bury your head in the sand just yet. Instead, turn to our guides on ways you can help to protect and preserve our planet. We’re covering advice on shopping sustainably, understanding key climate change information, and coexisting with the wildlife right outside your window. Plus, connecting you with impactful organizations worthy of your resources.

First, a word on individual action: we encourage you to embrace a symbiotic relationship between the personal and the collective. Solving environmental issues requires systemic change, and individual action alone can’t provide that. What it can do is inspire and inform your participation in broader collective action like advocacy, donating, voting, and community work.

We all have a stake in a sustainable future, and we can all contribute towards that vision. Let’s get started below.

Image by okskukuruza/Getty Images.

Rewild Your Outdoor Spaces

Corrie Evanoff
Pocket Collections

Manicured lawns and uprooted dandelions are so last century: 10 links on transforming your yard, balcony, or back patio into a sustainable ecosystem where plant and animal life can thrive.